Thursday, March 20, 2008

Depois da tempestade.... sempre vem o Sol ;)

Chegamos nos finalmente desse mes de Marco. Com mais uma semana pela frente as coisas vao se ajeitando por aqui..... FINALMENTE!!!!

Meus impostos jah estao pagos, o trabalho vai indo muito bem e o coraccao vai voltando a ficar em paz... depois do vendaval de uma separacao pelos ultimos 6 meses. Nao sei o por que... mas alguma coisa dentro de mim estah me fazendo sentir feliz. Nada de mais aconteceu... nada de especial programado... mas bem lah no fundo.... tenho uma sensacao de paz e de que as coisas vao mudar pra melhor... daqui ateh o final desse ano.

Sabe qdo tuh se sente forte??? Como se nada pudesse te abalar... pois eh... eh bom se sentir assim neh?? Fazia tempo q eu nao me sentia tao em paz como agora. E a sensacao eh relaxante e refrescante pra alma.

Sem querer atrair nenhum olho gordo... vamos ver o que esse final de semana de pascoa vai trazer. Desejo a todos no Brazil uma grande Pascoa. Nao se esquecam de rezar e agradecer pelo sacrificio de Jesus que morreu por nossos pecados nessa data especial. Nao se esquecam tambem de relaxar e aproveitar esses feriadao.

Nao sei qto a voces... mas eu quero eh praia esse fim de semana!!!! E no mais... era isso. Feliz Pascoa para todos!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Without a question in my mind.... this is the worst season of the year. TAX SEASON!!!! The income tax return's must be filled no later than April 15th here at the Land of Uncle SAM and many many people, including myself are having nightmares regarding it.

On my personal case... it all started with the decline of the mortgage business and of course, the decline of my personal sales in the housing market. I saw myself with no other option other than filling taxes as "exempt" last year for a good 9 months of the year.

In simple terms, that basically means that for 9 months out of last year, I have NOT paid any taxes from my earnings and of course.... now it is the time to pay for it... and that is where the stress kicks in!!!!

I am a little nervous this year, mostly because I took the decison to go exempt planning on putting some $$$ away around here, since sales were down. I was unable to save a lot of money last year due to all the uncertainty in the industry I was in and now I see myself unprepared to pay UNCLE SAM back.

I am waiting to see, my tax appointement is this coming MONDAY @ 14:00. I have been using the same tax guy for over 2 years now and he has helped me before. On my own calculations I am about 2k in the hole but last year I tought I was 4k in the same situation and after he took a look on my numbers I had to pay only about 1k. So...Who knows??? Maybe better news will arise by next week.

For the moment... I am just crossing fingers and waiting.... For sure, I just hate TAX SEASON!!!