Monday, October 8, 2007

Blog pelo Planeta!!!

Esse dia 15 de Outubro eh o dia da acao Blog pelo Planeta!! A ideia eh blogar pelo menos a respeito de uma assunto relacionado ao meio ambiente para ajudar a causa do meio ambiente e preservacao!!! Que alias, vem sendo assunto neste blog desde sua criacao.... como que uns 3 meses atraz!!! hehehe

O importante eh se envolver e participar... conhecimento eh poder e o maior numero de pessoas que conseguirmos falar sobre essa nobre causa... o melhor serah para todos nos!!! Eu copiei abaixo o pedido que chegou no meu email pra participar desse movimento e convido todos voces... a fazerem o que puderem aonde quer que voces estejam.... e mesmo se voce nao tenha um Blog... tuh ainda pode falar ou avisar parentes e amigos certo??? Unidos... tenho certeza que faremos a diferenca!!!

Extraido de outro website:

"Blogging for the Environment
October 15, a week from today, is Blog Action Day, and the theme this year is the environment. If you have a blog and want to join in, all you have to do is use that day to post something related to the environment, in whatever way, shape, or form you prefer. You can pick an environmental issue that has meaning for you and let us know why it's important. Organize a beach or neighborhood cleanup and tell us about it. If you're into fiction writing, give us a story with an environmental theme. Have a podcast, videoblog, or photoblog? Join the fun! The idea here is to have a mass effect on public awareness by sharing as many ideas in as many ways as possible.If you're game for participating, go register your blog with the 7,000+ other blogs (with 5 million readers!) that are already signed up. Also, see the Blog Action Day blog for more on how bloggers can change the world."

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